
Include here some description!

Trend Description Keyword Actions
Value of data

Value of data is related to the increasing value of data in a secure, fast and intelligent way that leads organizations to competitive advantage.

artificial intelligence close
AI close
data analysis close
cyber security close
cybersecurity close
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Safety and Security

Safety and security issues include topics like cybersecurity, privacy and confidentiality, behavior-based methodologies for trust, advanced techniques to manage and automate traceability and trade-off optimization between safety, security, performance and usability or Data ownership GDPR issues.

Security close
Safety close
Privacy close
Trust close
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This cluster focuses on meeting the needs of the present (economic, environmental, and social) without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Environmental sustainability is becoming a relevant parameter for the company's competitiveness. Thus, related topics are carbon neutrality, fuel efficiency or the rise of environmental consciousness.

Carbon close
Energy close
Efficiency close
Footprint close
Harvesting close
Sustainability close
Resource close
Environmental close
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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the latest aspects in simulation of human intelligence in machines, such as Al-enabled filtered information extraction, automatic text generation, natural language processing and machine translation and, very importantly, the ethical framework for AI, supporting transparency, and regulating for misuse.

Al close
ambient intelligence close
artificial close
Artificial Intelligence close
Autonomous close
Cognitive close
Vision close
embedded Al close
embedded intelligence close
Language Processing close
Recognition close
Trustworthy close
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This cluster refers to the processing of raw materials or parts into finished goods through the use of tools, human labour, machinery, and chemical processing. Trends address topics such as the maximization of manufacturing efficiency and quality, ensuring the sustainability of the provided technology or collaborative engineering but also drawbacks for companies that are not adequately equipped digitally.

Collaborative close
Manufacturing close
Processing close
Cognitive close
Digital Divide close
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This cluster focuses on diverse recent trends and issues related to service technologies, such as concurrent, holistic and collaborative product-service engineering: B2C & B2B models, digital marketing or the concept of “everything as a service”.

B2C close
Service close
Marketing close
as a service close
AAS close
product-service systems close
XaaS close
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Cyber Physical Space

CPS are computer systems in which a mechanism is controlled by computer-based algorithms. The trends reach from Artificial and Ambient Intelligence to the foundations & design and development methods & tools of CPS. Also, the whole range of semi-autonomous, autonomous, cognitive, distributed, adaptive and cooperative CPS are tackled.

Cyber-physical systems close
CPS close
Artificial Intelligence close
AI close
Intelligent close
connected close
Ambient Intelligence close
semi-autonomous close
autonomous close
Cognitive close
distributed close
adaptive close
cooperative close
virtual close
CPS engineering close
Interoperability close
cross-domain close
convergence close
data gathering close
data storage close
model-based engineering close
validation close
verification close
digital platform close
platform close
seamless integration close
industrial internet of things close
iiot close
iot close
industrial internet close
internet of things close
trustworthy CPS close
safety close
ethics close
real-time communication close
cybersecurity close
big data close
blockchain close
Computational blocks close
architectures close
cross-domain close
virtual engineering close
Distributed management close
networked intelligence close
Integration close
Network protocol close
Pervasive computing close
Ubiquitous Computing close
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Automated Vehicles

This cluster involves aspects of vehicles capable of sensing its environment and operating without human involvement, such as autonomous driving, automated logistics, automated indoor farming and even flying cars.

Authentication close
Track close
Trace close
Automated close
electric vehicles close
autonomous driving close
driverless close
Electrification close
Flying close
Logistics close
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Augmented / Virtual reality

AR/VR refers to an interactive experience of a real-world environment where the objects that reside in the real world are enhanced by computer-generated perceptual information. Here the trends address its use to upgrade products and processes; enabling of remote services through smart glasses through recognition technology, robots and assistive systems.

AR close
Virtual reality close
VR close
smart glasses close
Recognition close
Interfaces close
augmented reality close
wearable close
vision close
display close
Immersive close
Mixed Reality close
Real-time close
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Communication/ Speech

Different technological aspects of communication and speech are addressed in this cluster, such as context-driven user interfaces, speech recognition or the use of virtual/voice assistants, and also human factors such as transparency and openness in corporate communications.

Communication close
Interfaces close
Recognition close
Voice close
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Track and Traceability

Traceability refers to the ability to trace all processes from procurement of raw materials to production, consumption and disposal to clarify when and where the product was produced by whom. In the near future, both product tracking and product tracing will need to be a permanent feature for both mass customization and service delivery. The design of traceability systems including tracking machines and people for process compliance are addressed in this cluster.

Tracking close
Tracing close
Traceability close
Track close
Trace close
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Logistics/ Positioning Technologies

Logistics refers to the overall process of managing how resources and products are acquired, stored, and transported to their final destination. Trends here refer to the fields of adaptive logistics or autonomous intra-plant logistics and address topics such as the need of indoor positioning technologies to be seamless and reliable

Direction close
Indoor close
Positioning close
Localization close
Localisation close
Pick-to-light close
RFID close
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Flexibility/ High number of variance

This cluster refers to the capability of producing similar but not identical products without major retooling resulting a) in the ability of a manufacturing company to offer a wide variety of products to its customers or b) in the ability to efficiently produce highly customized or even unique products. Speed, precision, quality and reliability with flexibility and agility are underlying trends.

Traceability close
Flexibility close
Personalised close
Scalability close
Scalable close
Agility close
lot-size close
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Connectivity is related to the democratization and massification of digital connectivity among people and assets.

IoT close
Internet of Things close
M2M close
machine to machine close
cyber security close
cybersecurity close
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ICT/ Software

Information and communications technologies (ICT) is an extensional term for information technology (IT) that stresses the role of unified communications and the integration of telecommunications (telephone lines and wireless signals) and computers, as well as necessary enterprise software, middleware, storage and audiovisual, that enable users to access, store, transmit, and manipulate information.

Convergence close
Data Exchange close
Digital close
Embedded close
Integrate close
digital economy close
ethics close
Inventories close
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This cluster focuses on the rise of the individual. Individual empowerment will accelerate owing to poverty reduction, growth of the global middle class, greater educational attainment, widespread use of new communications and manufacturing technologies and health-care advances.

Individual close
Empowerment close
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Big data

Big data deals with data sets that are too large or complex to be dealt with by traditional data-processing application software. The trends here refer to all aspects and processes of today’s big data applications, such as data analysis, data mining, statistics techniques and predictive modeling.

Data close
Analytics close
Behaviour close
Processing close
Analysis close
Mining close
Predictive close
Real-time close
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Cloud computing

Cloud computing refers to the delivery of computing services—including servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence—over the Internet to offer faster innovation, flexible resources, and economies of scale. Trends here address aspects like the better connectivity and computer processing through the cloud.

Connectivity close
Cloud close
Networks close
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The cluster addresses recent topics related to the optimization of technological processes, such as the demand by customers for individualized / highly configurable products, the validation & verification at run-time or the engineering for resilience, adaptability and flexibility.

Individualised close
Customised close
Hybrid close
Complexity close
Integrated close
Lean close
Standardization close
Standardisation close
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This cluster focuses on different aspects of knowledge communication and education, such as collaboration between industry, education and research, educational incentives/policies and global access to knowledge.

Knowledge close
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Advanced Robotics

Advanced robotics combine sophisticated programming and powerful hardware that make use of smart sensor technology to interact with the real world around it. The related trends address issues of technology (semi-/autonomous robots, chatbots, cobots cloud robotics, drones…) and applications (mainly specific, innovative industry/manufacturing automation applications).

Robots close
robotics close
Semiautonomous close
autonomous close
autonomy close
chatbots close
cobots close
cloud close
drones close
humanoid weight close
avatars close
social robots close
emotion recognition close
recognition close
vision close
gripping close
Automation close
Human in the loop close
human-robot close
human-machine close
hmi close
collaboration close
collaborative close
industrial robots close
self-learning close
reconfiguring close
diagnosing smart close
intelligent close
trust close
Agrobots close
Collaboration close
adaptive close
reconfiguration close
diagnosis close
security close
safety close
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Cyber Security/ Data Protection/ Data Security

The trends here address aspects related to the body of technologies, processes, and practices designed to protect networks, devices, programs, and data from attack, damage, or unauthorized access. Examples of trends are resistance/resilience to external cyber-attacks, digital ethics and privacy, or increased awareness of privacy and security in industry and to the general public.

Security close
Cybersecurity close
Encryption close
Data close
Protection close
Privacy close
Dependability close
Certification close
cyber attacks close
Cyber Threats close
Resilience close
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This clusters tackles multiple issues and challenges in the field of resource efficiency and management, such as the need to use resources, including water and energy, in a less wasteful way to achieve the target output, the shift to renewable raw materials or to counter volatility of raw material prices.

Resource close
Efficiency close
Scarcity close
Renewable close
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Design/ process

Different challenges in the design phase of products are tackled in this cluster, such as the election of advanced and functional materials and its processing, quality optimization, process innovation or system-level design.

Materials close
Optimisation close
process innovation close
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Plug and play

Plug and play technologies enable a computer system to adapt to hardware changes with minimal intervention by the user, thus enhancing integration, standardisation, interoperability, modularity and flexibility of solutions.

Interoperability close
plug and play close
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Future Manufacturing [Plant/ Production (related to engineering and manufacturing)]

Today's rapidly evolving manufacturing technologies including artificial intelligence, advanced robotics and the Internet of Things are poised to reshape the global manufacturing landscape. Thus, the related trends tackle issues such as (auto-)adaptive, flexible and smart manufacturing, autonomous factories, scalable and modular plant infrastructure as well as end-to-end integration of manufacturing networks.

Adaptation close
Adaptive close
responsive close
autonomous close
Autonomy close
scalable close
Scalability close
modular close
upgradable close
robust close
agile close
agility close
flexible close
flexibility close
infrastructures close
complexity close
Enterprise resource planning close
ERP close
Networks close
Control systems close
emergence close
Digital engineering close
Modelling close
Simulation close
Optimisation close
Smart close
integration close
modular close
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Rapid Prototyping/ 3D/ Additive Manufacturing

Rapid prototyping refers to the fast fabrication of a physical part, model or assembly using 3D computer aided design (CAD). The underlying trends tackle multiple areas such as 3D imaging and scanning technology, additive manufacturing, prototyping and even upcoming approaches to 4D printing.

3D close
Prototypes close
Imaging close
Scanning close
Printing close
Scanner close
4D close
Additive manufacturing close
Prototyping close
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Demonstration and Testing

Trends related to demonstration and testing technologies divide into living labs test sites, on the one hand, and shared infrastructure and large-scale pilots, on the other.

Living labs close
Pilots close
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New Technologies/ New Approaches to production, technologies, Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, Photonics, Bionics

The category of new technologies offering more efficient solutions includes fields as diverse as 5G-MEMS (Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems), artificial synapse, self-healing materials, bionics and related bio-inspired technologies, nanotechnology, nanoelectronics and printable electronics, photonics, and DNA-based processors.

MEMS close
Bio-inspired close
Bionics close
Biotechnology close
Brain close
Cross-disciplinary close
DNA close
Acceptance close
Metamaterials close
Nanoelectronics close
Micromachining close
Photonics close
Printable close
Self-healing close
Functionalisation close
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Globalisation addresses the growing interdependence of the world's economies, cultures, and populations, brought about by cross-border trade in goods and services, technology, and flows of investment, people, and information. Trends tackle the increased/increasing localisation of manufacturing in three aspects: 1) backsourcing of manufacturing to Europe, 2) urban production to reduce distance to consumers, 3) local customisation of products.

Backsourcing close
Europe close
Global close
Globalisation close
Political close
Policy close
Stability close
Dependability close
Multipolar close
Volatile close
Order close
Diffusion close
Power close
Responsibility close
Cooperation close
Philanthropy close
Fair close
Trade close
National close
International close
Localisation close
Protectionism close
Uncertain close
Uncertainty close
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Digital Twins/ Modelling

Digital twins are virtual replicas of physical devices that data scientists use to run simulations before actual devices are built and deployed. They can be used in relation to CPS, virtual engineering, modelling and simulation, visualisation, and virtualisation in order to analyse all levels from material processing to product and production development, behaviour and performance until value network level under virtual conditions.

Modelling close
Simulation close
Twin close
Visualisation close
Virtualisation close
Customization close
Customisation close
Model close
Cognitive close
Performance close
Virtualisation close
Simulation close
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Software Architectures

Here, the newest aspects and needs in software architectures are addressed, like service orientation, enabling context awareness, integrating legacy systems, visualisation, virtualisation, situational awareness & decision support.

Architectures close
Context close
Distributed close
Edge close
Legacy close
reference architectures close
awareness close
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Inclusive Policy Making

Inclusive policy making activates diversity to improve innovation, engagement, and results across the enterprise. Underlying trends relate to citizens empowerment, democracy 4.0 and aspects of diversity, values, inclusion and accessibility, social scoring and monitoring of the workforce and unemployment, (im)migration/ mobility of Young Talents as well as the chances and challenges associated with Minority Populations worldwide.

Citizen close
Empowerment close
Democracy close
Digital close
Divide close
Diversity close
Accessibility close
Equality close
Migration close
Inclusive close
Inclusion close
Social close
Societal close
Mobility close
Unemployment close
Values close
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Innovation involves the new wave of technological advances which is now creating novel opportunities, while testing governments ability to harness their benefits and provide prudent oversight. Trends relate to the development of worldwide ecosystems for manufacturing innovation, including both product- and process-oriented best practices towards Industry x.0 and anticipating changes in demand and supply (value networks).

Adoption close
technology close
technological close
Innovation close
ecosystem close
innovation ecosystem close
integration close
Competitiveness close
Digital close
business models close
culture close
entrepreneurship close
design close
technological change close
change close
Industry x.0 close
new technologies close
Integration close
Migration close
Open close
Collaboration close
People-Oriented close
digitalization close
digitalisation close
Process close
product close
demonstration close
testing close
best practices close
underinvestment close
social close
Technology-oriented close
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Block Chain

Blockchain is a system of recording information in a way that makes it difficult or impossible to change, hack, or cheat the system. Trends here tackle the integration of the blockchain technology.

Blockchain close
Block chain close
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Deep/ Machine Learning

Machine learning is a method of data analysis that automates analytical model building. Deep learning is a subset of Machine Learning. Trends here relate to cloud, cognitive, edge, neuromorphic, bioinspired, optic and quantum computing. Also, adaptive behaviour and high-performance computing increasing the overall computing capacity are highly relevant.

Bioinspired close
Bio close
Processors close
Cloud close
Computing close
Platform close
Integration close
Edge close
Embedded close
Architecture close
Cognitive close
Creativity close
Processing close
Deep close
Learning close
Fog close
Performance close
Exascale close
Capacity close
Integrated close
Mining close
Analytics close
big data close
adaptive close
behaviour close
Neuromorphic close
Neuronal close
Networks close
Optic close
Quantum close
Ubiquitous close
Gamification close
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The trends in this cluster address technical aspects of complex processes, such as handling of complex/large amount of data, the manufacturing and design of complex products (e.g. growing embedding of more electronics or micro-features and being composition of advanced multi-materials) and also optimization of decision making processes.

Complexity close
Complex close
Networks close
Optimisation close
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Global Warming

Global warming is the gradual rise in the earth's temperature caused by high levels of carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere. The increasing number of challenges related to global warming, climate change, scarcity of natural resources or rising greenhouse gas emissions are addressed in this cluster.

Climate close
Scarcity close
Resources close
Warming close
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Demographics/ Aging Population

In this cluster, different needs and challenges related to demographic changes, specially the ageing population, are addressed. Among them are the need of personalized device protheses, the falling of birth rates, the impact on social welfare and public health systems.

Ageing close
Demographics close
Health close
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Data Analytics

This cluster includes different techniques and processes related to examining datasets to draw conclusions about the information they contain. Modern data analytics capabilities are boosted through the use of technologies such as artificial intelligence and the deployment of digital platforms for data management and sharing, visualization, pattern analysis or data-enabled resource optimization.

Analysis close
Visualisation close
Analytics close
Data exchange close
Fusion close
open data close
prediction close
real-time close
Realtime close
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This cluster refers to groups of technologies that are used as a base or infrastructure upon which other applications, technologies or processes are developed for the end-user. Diverse aspects are addressed, such as the development of various vertical (application specific), horizontal, open and closed platforms, agile platform development as well as interoperability and standards.

Agile close
Platform close
Interoperability close
Standards close
Federation close
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New Business Models

This cluster focuses on new high-level plans for profitably operating businesses in a specific marketplace, including links with regulatory aspects such as safety, data ownership and liability, in start-ups as well as in established enterprises. Related topics are servitization, startups and alternative value creation.

start-ups close
B2B close
Business models close
Models close
Personalised close
Customisable close
Business close
Personalisation close
Servitization close
Sharing close
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Value Chain/ Value Networks/ Supply Chain

Value chains are high-level models that describe the full range of activities that an organization or a network of organisations carries out to create a product or service. The underlying trends address topics such as digital product and supply network, end-to-end supply chain synchronization and flexibility in supply chain participation.

value chain close
Value networks close
supply network close
supply chain close
SCM close
Networks close
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This cluster focuses on recent developments in sensor applications, such as wearables, automation of outdoor farming and bio-sensing, miniaturized low-cost sensors and smart sensor technology.

Actuator close
Sensor close
Sensing close
Wearables close
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Digital Application/ Process

The use of digital applications enables more rapid product development, decision making and time-to-market. Thus, improvements such as automated testing, integrated end-to-end life-cycle engineering, predictive intelligence or symbiotic product and service development are tackled in this cluster.

Testing close
decision making close
virtualise close
process close
scale close
time-to-market close
integration close
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Automation describes a wide range of technologies that reduce human intervention in processes. Here, different types are addressed, such as big data, knowledge based, cognitive, hybrid or software automation. Other aspects like integrating the plant into its local ecosystem and cost efficiency are also relevant.

context awareness close
Big data close
Cognitive close
Optimised close
Ecosystem close
Modular close
Automation close
digital twins close
complexity close
integration close
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Future Work/ Skills

The future of work describes changes in how work will be done over the next decade, influenced by technological, generational, and social shifts. The underlying trends range from soft skills like communication, creativity, and collaborative working, to hard skills such as co-design and the requirement for technical knowledge to operate assistance systems needed to meet an increasing complexity of products and processes.

Team work close
Complexity close
Creativity close
Critical thinking close
Communication close
management close
design close
co-design close
change close
problem solving close
quality close
assistance systems close
worker augmentation close
collaborative working close
workplace organisation close
work-life balance close
lifelong learning close
T-shaped learning close
Asana close
online learning close
Collaborative spaces close
collaboration close
Design thinking close
Reskilling close
Upskilling close
cross-disciplinary close
e-learning close
emotional intelligence close
flexible close
flexibility close
intercultural close
language close
Managing change close
Self-directed learning close
virtual learning close
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Predictive Maintenance

Predictive maintenance techniques are designed to help determine the condition of in-service equipment in order to estimate when maintenance should be performed. This approach promises cost savings over routine or time-based preventive maintenance, because tasks are performed only when needed and before damage occurs.

Condition close
Monitoring close
predictive maintenance close
Fault close
Self-diagnosis close
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Circular Economy

Circular Economy refers to an economic system of closed loops in which raw materials, components and products lose their value as little as possible, renewable energy sources are used and systems thinking is at the core. All topics related so sustainability and waste management, such as ecodesign and recycling, green manufacturing or responsible consumption, are relevant in this cluster.

Circular close
Sustainability close
Demanufacturing close
Recycling close
lifecycle close
reuse close
greenfactory close
GreenManufacturing close
Resource close
Efficiency close
Environmental close
Waste close
Footprint close
Responsible close
Responsibility close
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Collaboration/ Co-Creation/ Mass Customisation/ User Involvement

Co-creation and innovation address the need for approaches and tools that strengthen the capability of industrial actors to draw value from the strong European network of creativity potentials. Digitalization will deliver totally new ways to interact with customers and users, while products become more and more customized. Thus, the trends reach from consumer-driver change and customer interaction to stricter quality requirements.

Customisation close
Mass-Customisation close
Personalisation close
Miniaturisation close
Partnering close
Prosumers close
User close
user involvement close
user interfaces close
user acceptance close
acceptance close
customer close
customer interaction close
customer-focus close
creativity close
networks close
open source close
platforms close
context-driven close
license close
trust close
quality close
flexible close
flexibility close
consumer close
consumer requirements close
co-creation close
Collaboration close
co-design close
product-service factory close
Consumer-Driven Change close
change close
De-fragmentation close
fragmentation close
integration close
Fablabs close
Virtual Manufacturing close
ecosystem close
Partnering close
Value close
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Human Machine Interaction (HMI)

This cluster includes trends that address the way in which computer technology influences human work and activities, such as brain-computer interfaces and the concept of “human-in-the-loop”: human as part of the system and HMI including intuitive systems, wearable and implantable systems, virtual and augmented reality, as well as human machine collaboration and collaborative decision making.

Implant close
HMI close
human in the loop close
brain computer interface close
Brain Machine Interface close
Skills close
Human machine interaction close
human factor close
collaboration close
collaborative close
interaction close
Neuroscience close
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Fifth-generation (5G) is the latest iteration of cellular technology, engineered to greatly increase the speed and responsiveness of wireless networks. Trends here address technical factors like full connectivity and real-time streaming to secondary advantages like reliability and affordable cost.

5G close
Connectivity close
Protection close
Fake close
Control close
GDPR close
Embedded close
Wireless close
Reliable close
Affordable close
Reliability close
Availability close
Dependability close
Dependable close
Next Generation close
Real-time close
Seamless close
Interoperability close
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Regulation, Standardisation, Legislation

Regulatory aspects are receiving more and more attention, implementing and developing technical standards based on the consensus of different parties that include firms, users, interest groups, standards organizations and governments. Trends relate to product safety, process requirements, environmental/resource aspects, data security, data ownership liability, traceability, ethical issues and proactive, open dialogue and awareness-raising.

Data close
Policies close
Dialogue close
Awareness close
Ethics close
Legislation close
Liability close
Insurance close
Regulation close
Regulatory close
Safety close
Security close
Ownership close
Requirements close
Traceability close
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Urbanisation refers to the shift from rural to urban areas. Trends here tackle issues such as the quality of (urban) life and smart, carbon-neutral cities, including clean, safe, seamless transport, smart spaces for all (and demographic challenges related to this), urban production, the relocation of manufacturing, urban farming, and co-creation.

Clean close
Safe close
Seamless close
Transport close
Smart close
Cities close
City close
Spaces close
Carbon close
Urban close
Urbanisation close
Production close
Demographics close
Sustainable close
Sustainability close
Living close
Life close
Infrastructure close
Resources close
Energy close
Makers close
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Standards, Integration, Interoperability

Topics in standardization and interoperability include safety, security and privacy issues as well as IP protection, including blockchain, distributed ledgers, digital identities, trusted and adaptive security architectures.

Standard close
Integration close
Reference close
Interoperability close
Openness close
Interoperability close
Semantic close
Standardisation close
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